Monday, August 27, 2012

The Abortion Holocaust: Prologue!

Hello All,

I told y'all previously that I was going to write an abortion post specifically on the immorality of aborting fetuses conceived in rape. But I felt like such a post would be meaningless. Before I could discuss the issue of rape conception/abortion, I'd have to explain why I know that abortion is wrong.

So I'm going to be writing a multi-part series arguing against the evils of abortion and the rights of the unborn.

It's going to be epic

Now unless I change my mind while writing these posts, the order will go essentially like this:

  1. The Necessity of Government and Religion in the Abortion Debate
  2. The Fetus is a Living Being
  3. The Fetus is a Human Being
  4. Unalienable Human Rights
  5. Equality of Humanity, the Rights of the Fetus, and the Evil of Abortion
  6. Tough Cases: Rape, Incest, Life of the Mother 

Maybe after writing all of these I'll make a cool infographic or something, who knows.

Now I know a few of you (know-it-alls) may be complaining, "The Bigot obviously doesn't understand that the concept of human rights is a historically created and philosophically unsustainable concept!"

If that's what you're thinking, then take comfort in the fact that I agree with you; humans certainly do not have self-evident rights. But this blog series is for the benefit of those who subscribe to enlightenment philosophy, (i.e. most Americans) and therefore human rights will be central to the argument. So stop whining.

Now for those of you who are pregnant and considering abortion, or have an abortion in your past, I warn you that my future posts may seem cold and calculated. They are meant to discuss the logical and moral issues surrounding abortion, not to provide counseling or help. Do not look for that here. (though you can feel free to email or facebook message me). Look here instead:

For those who are pregnant and considering Abortion, here's a list of numbers that will give you support:

For those who have had a previous abortion (Catholic):

For those who have had a previous abortion but are not Catholic:

In any case, I will have my first part posted soon and I look forward to the debate.

Hopefully it'll be more productive than this...

The Bigot

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Why Both Political Parties Deserve Multiple and Severe Incidents of Trauma Inflicted Upon their Testicles (I also endorse a candidate for the Presidency).

It seems, as will often happen during an election cycle, that sexual issues have once again become a major source of news coverage, crazed commentary, and vitriolic rhetoric.
I've usually tried to avoid the deranged rantings of political pundits over the years. But today... I've decided to add to it. So in addition to endorsing a candidate for the highest office in the land,  I will also add gratuitous and somewhat colorful commentary on each party.


So for those who don't follow politics, here's a quick overview of the recent political viewpoints concerning the governance of our various orifices, and why they are all (mostly) full of shit:

1) On the one hand you have Democrats who believe that in order to prevent the oppression of women we must save them from the "fatal" disease known as "PREGNANCY!"

In keeping with this belief, they claim (incorrectly) that women have the "right" to forcibly expel and exterminate living fetuses from their Uteri. Many Democrats (including our President) even support allowing doctors to deny care to fetuses that survive late term abortions.

In addition, Democrats claim the right to force employers to to pay for insurance plans that cover abortifacients and contraceptives, even if said employers religiously object to it. Democrats call this destruction of religious freedom "preventative care," but since most of the objecting Catholic organizations already cover contraceptives when they are prescribed for medical treatment (i.e. to treat Endometriosis), this whole fuss is essentially about forcing Catholic groups to pay for consequence-free boning...

Fighting for men's right to get laid women's right to choose!

This follows a tried and true strategy for politicians stuck in the middle of a recession: When people have no money, make it look like you're offering them free sex.

As much as free sex might appeal to a college-aged male like myself, the idea of more dead babies and restrictions on religion kind of overwhelms every other political or sexual consideration I might have.

2) On the other end of the aisle you have Republicans like Mitt Romney, all of whom are worried sick about the "fatal" prospect of another term for Barack Obama. They don't realize that they're not much better.

In order to draw contrasts with Obama's policies, they also have to claim a "right" to to forcibly spout their Objectivist/Hayekian vomit on an unsuspecting public. They also have to claim to be "pro-life" whilst supporting medicaid cuts and essentially giving pregnant women and mothers the economic middle finger. Now I do believe that, as a whole, Republicans are more pro-life than Democrats (and thus they will regrettably receive every vote I ever cast. But there's a high level of hypocrisy involved when they try to end abortion on one hand, yet do nothing to help the daily lives of pregnant women on the other. And it's pretty hard for a woman to decide to keep her child when situations like WOMEN BEING FORCED TO SHARE CUSTODY WITH THE MEN WHO RAPED THEM continue to occur. It seems like obvious problems such as the one above would be easy for Republicans to rally around and solve: It makes logical sense that women will have fewer abortions if they feel less financial and social pressure to do so. But since Republicans have prostituted themselves out to the Tea Party and aligned themselves with people who believe the government should stay ENTIRELY away from supporting the poor, they end up portraying themselves as cold and hateful people (as many of them are) because the normal republicans aren't numerous or powerful enough to offer realistic solutions. Normal Republicans are therefore forced to kowtow to the Teabaggers and act like they are totally conservatively hardcore. So wherever normal GOP'ers exist, they seem strange and indecisive because they're being forced to spout Misogynist bullshit and act like they actually believe it...

"Here's four words on how women can avoid rape: 'Barefoot. Pregnant. Kitchen. Cooking.'
Problem solved. (Unless you guys feel differently. I can go either way, doesn't matter)."

So I'm not really a supporter of Mitt Romney either...

3) And with the tragic circumstances of rape victims and their mistreatment by the GOP fresh in our minds, it is time turn ourselves to the ultimate representative of such idiocy, a man that would be most at home governing a congressional district with an average IQ of twenty. He is truly unique among Republicans, not merely for his ignorance of women's issues and disregard for science itself (which applies to most Republicans), but for the fact that his ignorance exceeds that of almost every right-winger. His incredible ignorance, combined with a complete inability to control his language during political events, has unleashed a wave of stupidity so overwhelming that it sated the hunger of every news outlet scavenging for evidence concerning the GOP's "War on Women."

War on Women as reported by the Huffington Post

This man has embarrassed himself in front of an entire nation, yet despite facing relentless opposition from all sides and boundless bipartisan criticism

despite the fact that he will probably never win an election in America ever again

despite the fact that he is now despised by at least half of the human race

 He has refused to back down.

He has refused to resign from the Senatorial race. He has decided to persevere

This man has courage. But he is so much more than just a brave man.

He is a Pioneer.

Indeed, this man is attempting a feat that no man, Republican or Democrat, has ever accomplished:

In keeping with the highest traditions of political service, and in a spirit of American ingenuity, innovation, and perseverance, this man, (if he be a mere mortal) has set out to achieve what has for so long been considered impossible: He is the first man ever to attempt to win public office after having firmly planted his head up his ass. And it remains there to this day...

Who could not be moved by such courage, such fearless defiance? Like a deer facing the headlights of its demise, This hero, despite his minor flaws, stands before the onslaught, blind to the defects in his character, deluding himself that he still has a chance of winning, that he still has a chance to make a difference. 

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you:
Todd Akin for President

Disconnected from reality. Misogynist.

True American.

Join the movement here!

The Bigot.

P.S. For my next blog post, I will be outlining why abortions should be illegal in cases of rape, and in fact, for any reason outside of preserving the life of the mother. So be sure to stay tuned. =) 


Thursday, August 23, 2012

Why We Should Burn Heretics (Protestants and Atheists Included)

 Well, maybe we shouldn't. While I hate heresy even more than the next guy, I'm not sure I'd burn people for holding crappy belief systems. But back in the good ol' days, the Catholic Church had quite a good barbeque going...

Church potluck, circa 1480

At least that's what I thought, along with most everybody else. But after exhaustively researching the subject (on Wikipedia) I found a few statistics that were a bit interesting:

1) The Church itself refused to kill heretics, but would sentence them to execution by the state. (kind of hypocritical though, if you ask me).

2)Executions ordered by the entire Inquisition, including the Spanish one (weren't expecting that were you? Nobody does):  6,000ish people, or about 1.8% of the 125,000 ish in total that were investigated over a period of about 500 years.

3)That's about 12 people a year on average. Not exactly a genocide. if you convert that to per 100,000 people, it's about 9.8 people per year, slightly higher than the homicide rate of Minneapolis, MN.
Depicted: Heartless killer
 But the Catholic Church isn't completely off the hook. I've found a quote that would be considered a serious gaffe by today's standards:

"murderers of souls as well as robbers of God’s sacraments and of the Christian faith ... [are] to be coerced—as are thieves and bandits—into confessing their errors and accusing others, although one must stop short of danger to life or limb."

- Pope Innocent IV (insert ironic comment here)

His Holiness was a conehead

So how do we explain this? How do we explain what seem to be insane actions committed by oppressive church officials with extreme prejudice? We obviously can't justify it, but we can at least try to understand their reasoning behind their (literal) burning man festivals.

    Well first of all, I'd direct you to the Milgram experiment. But I'd also like you to imagine yourself in this position:

1) You value your soul more than your life, and you value other's souls more than the life of one man. (I'd refer Christians to Matthew 16:26)

2) You believe that certain ideas and photos should be illegal to publish (freedom of speech didn't exist as a concept at that time, and even today, I think some things like child porn illustrations should be illegal).

3) There's a guy or girl spreading around half-baked, mostly stupid ideas (Albigensian heretics were reported to advocate the practice of starving oneself to death), and worrying a mostly illiterate populace about the safety of their immortal souls.

4) You consider Luke 17:2 to be completely true. (Atheist translation: as true as the Establishment Clause in the Constitution).

It makes a little more sense when you look at it from that point of view. And the fact is that people can kill for any type of ideology, religious or otherwise. It's in our nature. Even concepts that are dearly held in our society (freedom, the rights of man, secularism, rationality) can be used to kill people. One clear example is the French Revolution's Reign of Terror, which sent 16,594 people to the guillotine and executed another 25,000 by other means, all within a period of several months. In the name of freedom, transparency, and equality, they killed thousands of aristocrats and tried to destroy the Catholic Church, which was in their eyes the Scientology of the 18th century.

Guy Fawkes masks not included

So in conclusion, the Inquisition was a terrible event in Church history. But at least it wasn't as bloody or ironic as the French Revolution and their Cult of Reason. Take that, atheists.

The Bigot

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

New Direction for this Blog...

     Consider this a gritty reboot. My earlier blog posts were relatively innocuous, and I got bored with them. I'm restarting it now to talk about the most controversial issues I can think of, in a (hopefully) humorous, but offensive way. Think of it as a Catholic South Park.

I will be taking those words to heart (and completely out of context). So if you are easily offended, come and visit, because I will find it highly entertaining...

Tieguy is now... Bigot Boy.